Community Voz
Community Voz is C2C's ecofeminist radio show which presents the grassroots work that local people are doing across intersecting movements. Our radio shows are engaging conversations about issues and news you probably won't hear anywhere else. We believe in community radio and alternative media, which highlights the character, beauty and courage of the voices of people on the ground. Tune in for reflections and report backs from C2C organizers and allies on the frontlines of the struggle for farmworker justice. We are extremely grateful to the talents being volunteered by Elias Lopez, Ana Sofia Garcia, and Liz Darrow, who do all of the recording and engineering, as well as KMRE, our local non profit public radio station. You can access archived episodes at
Community Voz
CV S13 Ep 7: Ecofeminism and International Women's Day
In this episode, Liz and Elias talk with Aline Prata from WPJC and Yeye Ugas from ReproJustice about ecofeminism in the movement, the politics of care, parenthood, and International Women's Day coming up on March 8th.
C2C will be hosting a celebratory event at Maritime Heritage Park from 4-6pm that day (disregard the mistaken claim at the end of the episode that the event would be from 6-8). Come join us!
Resources from the episode:
Yeye's article featured in The Front
ReproJustice Instagram
Pinkwashing documentary
Music from the episode:
Bling Bling by Katu Mirim